WWDC is the yearly Apple conference that’s like a tour of Wonka’s Factory.

App developers from around the world put $1500 on the line to get a ticket to the exclusive event—a week long symposium of presentations, networking, and app development.

There’s other perks too:

A developer account with Apple entitles you to just two direct questions per year from the company, so the opportunity to ask questions during “office hours” is an important one.

Sure, the lectures and presentations are available to view at home for free.

and woz is there!

But it’s all about the experience:

Most developers and WWDC attendees say that upon leaving the conference, they’re left with a newfound desire to build great stuff — to develop apps for Mac and iOS that make the world a better place. Wrapped snugly in their complementary WWDC jackets, they bask in the glow of a MacBook Air or iPad on the plane ride home.

Not gonna lie—I’d really like to go one year, and I’m not even an app developer, just to be able to test the pulse of the movers and shakers in the app development industry and hear about what’s coming down the pike.

Plus I want the jacket!